Why Your Skincare Needs to Change With the Seasons

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You’ve probably noticed how the skincare issues that you deal with often change depending on the time of year. For example, some may experience dry and flaky skin in the winter while others are overrun with breakouts in the summer. There’s a reason for this…

As the seasons change, so do your skin’s needs, with this being particularly noticeable when it comes to summer vs. winter. Read on as Vivo Per Lei explains more about why your skincare needs to adapt to the seasons, along with tips on how to perfect your seasonal skincare game!

Dealing With the Elements

Marine Ultimate All Skin Cream

When it comes to environmental aggressors, your skin has a lot to deal with. The fact that environmental conditions change so much with the seasons makes this harder.

In the winter months, your skin will be battling strong moisture-wicking winds and cold temperatures. These can really take a toll on the skin’s natural protective barrier, stripping it down until it isn’t able to function properly. Not only does this barrier keep the skin conditioned and lubricated, but it also helps to trap moisture in.

This is why richer skincare products are often recommended in the winter, particularly when it comes to moisturizers. The thicker your cream, the thicker the barrier it will form over your skin’s surface. This will help to keep your skin feeling protected when faced with harsh weather conditions. A product like the Vivo Per Lei Marine Ultimate All Skin Cream would be ideal. It contains shea butter and squalane, both of which are fantastic for nurturing the surface of the skin.

During the summer months, your skin won’t need the same amount of protection from the wind and the cold. However, this doesn’t mean that you can relax your skincare efforts. Instead, you’ll need to turn your focus to UV protection. This is important in the winter too but becomes even more so during the summer months when UV rays intensify…

Understanding UV Rays

Due to how the earth tilts away from the sun during the winter months, UV rays aren’t quite so powerful. They still have the propensity to damage the skin and trigger skin cancer, but they’re not quite as harmful as the UV rays that hit you in the summer.

This is another change that you need to incorporate into your skincare routine. During the winter, you could get away with using a lower SPF and a broad-spectrum formula isn’t quite as important. However, in the warmer months, your skin will need as much protection as you can provide! A broad-spectrum sunscreen is a must, as is a minimum SPF of 30.

Another difference between the seasons is that summertime UV rays are strong enough to reach you through glass, even if you’re a few feet away from a window. This is why SPF is needed at all times, even if you aren’t going to be spending much time outside.

Meeting Your Skin’s Hydration Needs

Aloe Soothing Facial Serum

Adequate hydration is vital for healthy-looking skin. After all, without enough water, none of the cells in your body will be able to function in the way that they should, and this includes your skin cells.

What makes this a little trickier is that skin hydration levels can fluctuate with the seasons. During the warmer months, your skin produces more sebum. This helps to slow down transepidermal water loss – the rate at which moisture evaporates out of your skin.

However, once winter rolls around, sebum production begins to decline. Without this extra coating on your skin, you’ll end up losing moisture at a much faster rate. The winter weather speeds this up, with the lack of humidity increasing how quickly water is pulled out of the skin. Indoor heating doesn’t help – this saps away humidity from your indoor environment too.

While a thicker moisturizer will help to slow moisture loss down in the winter, your skin will likely also need some extra hydration. Serums are great for providing this, especially if you use one that contains plenty of humectants. These are ingredients with moisture-binding properties, meaning that they’ll immediately quench your skin. Combining multiple humectants is the way to go, which is what we’ve done with the Vivo Per Lei Aloe Soothing Facial Serum. With sodium hyaluronate, aloe vera, and amino acids, your skin will soon look fresh and dewy!

Does this mean that you don’t need to use a hydrating serum in the summer? Not necessarily. The summer sun can have a dehydrating effect on the skin, so a hydrating serum can still be beneficial. However, while you may want to layer two or three serums in the winter, a single lightweight hydrating serum would likely be sufficient for the summer.

Preventing the Appearance of Summertime Breakouts

Collagen Foaming Cleanser

As you now know, sebum production increases once the weather turns warmer and humidity levels rise. Sebum is the natural oil that your skin produces, meaning that the more sebum you have on your skin, the oilier your face will look and feel.

This can be a big problem for those who are prone to acne breakouts. All of that extra sebum needs to go somewhere, and it usually ends up in the pores. Combine this with all of the extra sweat that your skin produces in warmer weather and clogged pores become a much more frequent occurrence. Once your pores are clogged, acne breakouts won’t be too far behind.

This means that you really need to be on your skincare game when it comes to preventing the appearance of acne in the spring and summer. How? It all starts with keeping your skin clean – this will make you less likely to end up with clogged pores. A foaming cleanser, like the Collagen Foaming Cleanser from Vivo Per Lei, is the best way to do this. You’ll also need to exfoliate regularly and make sure that you aren’t using any comedogenic (meaning pore-clogging) products on your skin.

Spring/Summer Allergies

VPL Anti Wrinkle Eye Cream

With the arrival of spring comes the arrival of pollen. From weeds to trees to grasses, these tiny particles are released by the natural world to fertilize other plants. However, they can often end up in people’s noses, which isn’t good news if you have a pollen allergy.

Statistics show that around 26% of adults in the USA suffer from allergic reactions to pollen. This usually starts in the spring and only ends in the fall, once the weeds have died back. 

Wondering how this relates to your skin? Pollen allergies can often cause the appearance of puffiness and redness around the eyes. If you adjust your skincare with the seasons, you’ll be able to somewhat prevent this.

How? By finding yourself an eye cream that soothes the look of inflammation and redness, just like the Vivo Per Lei Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream. Thanks to its blend of peptides, sodium hyaluronate, and vitamins, it will keep your eye area looking bright and fresh. 

Accommodating Winter Sensitivities

24K Caviar Gold Serum

With seasonal allergies subsiding once the cold weather arrives, those who have spent the warmer months battling puffy eyes and runny noses will breathe a sigh of relief. However, it won’t be long before winter sensitivities start, making it important to adjust your skincare accordingly to prepare.

Why does the skin often become more sensitive in the winter?

As we mentioned earlier, the harsh weather strips away the skin’s protective barrier. That barrier ends up dotted with gaps, meaning that irritants are able to slide their way into your skin so much more easily. The dry environment doesn’t help, exacerbating inflammation and itching.

What’s the solution?

Incorporating products that calm and strengthen your complexion into your winter skincare routine. The 24K Gold Encapsulated Serum Capsules from Vivo Per Lei, for example, are filled with argan oil, vitamin E, and beta-glucan. This trio is exceptionally hydrating and moisturizing while also boasting complexion-soothing abilities.

If you skin feels particularly sensitive in the winter, you may also want to consider cutting back on the active ingredients that you use. With your skin barrier being compromised, they’ll be even more potent, and this isn’t always a good thing!

Spring and Fall: The Transitional Months

There’s a stark difference between summer and winter when it comes to climatic conditions and your skin’s subsequent needs. However, what about spring and fall? In the spring, some days can feel very summery while others put you back into winter mode. The same occurs in the fall, with some days being crisp and chilly and others filled with a warming glow.

These transitional months can be tricky – the key is to be adaptable with your skincare. Sure, have distinct summer and winter skincare routines but don’t limit yourself to those products. If conditions call for it, you may need to borrow from one routine to enhance the other. 

For example, on chilly days in the spring and fall, you may want to turn to a thicker moisturizer. However, when the weather seems more like summer than winter, switch back to the lighter formula that you were using in the summer. 

The same can be said of exfoliation. If you’ve had a warm spring and have increased your exfoliation efforts to match the increase in sebum production, don’t be afraid to drop this back down if temperatures suddenly drop again and your skin starts feeling sensitive. Listen to your skin and respond accordingly.

Seasonal Skincare From Vivo Per Lei

Taking climatic conditions into account is vital if you want your skincare routine to be as effective as possible. However, it’s also important to rely on your intuition. Not only should you be paying attention to the weather, but focus on how your skin is reacting to those changes. Everyone’s skin is different, meaning that the adjustments that you’ll need to make to your seasonal skincare routines will be different from everyone else. Prioritize your skin’s individual needs and it will soon start to look and feel better than ever!

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