10 Skincare Myths Debunked: What You Need to Stop Believing

woman shocked

When it comes to skincare, it can sometimes be difficult to separate fact from fiction. This may not seem like a big deal but if you end up believing some of the many skincare myths out there and follow that advice for years, you could be seriously damaging your skin without even realizing it.

To make sure that you’re really giving your skin the best care possible, read on as Vivo Per Lei debunks 10 of the most misleading skincare myths out there.

Myth 1: Oily Skin Doesn’t Need to be Moisturized

Pumpkin and Collagen Day Cream

Let’s start with one of the biggest skincare myths surrounding oily skin; that this skin type doesn’t need to be moisturized. It’s one that people with oily skin grasp at, purely because so many moisturizers can cause breakouts, making it understandable to want to skip that step altogether.

However, doing so will only make your skin oilier in the long run. The role of a moisturizer is to trap hydration, aka water, in your skin while also keeping your skin feeling safe when faced with environmental stressors. The barrier that a moisturizer provides over your skin’s surface leaves the skin feeling stronger and more resilient.

With that said, although oily skin should be moisturized regularly, it doesn’t need to be moisturized in the same way as other skin types. Rather than opting for a rich and greasy cream, go with a lightweight formula that will hydrate your skin without clogging your pores. The Vivo Per Lei Pumpkin and Collagen Day Cream does this well. In fact, pumpkin seed oil contains special enzymes that keep the pores feeling clear. 

Myth 2: The Longer Your Skincare Routine, the Better Your Skin Will Look

Popularized by K-beauty, long skincare routines have been in the spotlight for a while. Many now follow 10-15 steps twice a day, believing the skincare myths that tell them that this is the secret to glowing skin.

Why isn’t this true? Well, for some people, it may very well be. However, long skincare routines aren’t for everyone. In fact, most people only end up overloading their skin with unsuitable ingredient combinations and way too many irritants. This can leave them with more problems than they started with.

Sometimes, it can be better to keep things simple with your skincare routine. If you’ve not been seeing results from your complex Korean-inspired regimen, cut things back so that you’re only using a cleanser, a serum, and a moisturizer. Give your skin a while to get back into its natural balance before you start adding more products in. 

Myth 3: You Don’t Need to Wear Sunscreen if You’re Not Spending Time in the Sun

One of the most damaging skincare myths around is that SPF isn’t needed if you aren’t spending time in the sun. Why is this a myth? Because unless you’re spending the day in a dark, windowless room, UV rays will still be able to reach you.

Did you know that UVA rays, which are responsible for skin aging, completely pass through glass?  Your skin won’t be safe from them unless you’re several feet away from a window at all times. This, of course, means that you’re exposed to UV damage in your car too. Don’t assume that you’re safe if it’s cloudy outside either – UVA rays can penetrate through clouds and fog.

The solution? Make sunscreen a part of your skincare routine year-round, no matter what you plan on doing each day.

Myth 4: It’s Not Possible to Fade the Look of Hyperpigmentation With Skincare

Dark Spot Corrector Serum

It’s easy to understand why this is one of the skincare myths that so many people believe. There are numerous products out there that promise to fade the look of hyperpigmentation, yet the majority of them fail to do so. This leads people to think that the only options available are professional treatments.

The truth? Topical products can indeed lighten the visibility of hyperpigmentation to the point where it can’t be seen anymore. However, you need to be using the right ingredients. There are only a handful out there that have been proven to be successful at beating the appearance of hyperpigmentation – anything else is just a waste of time. 

Which ingredients should you have on your radar? Some of the best are kojic acid, glycolic acid, niacinamide, and vitamin A. All can be found in the Vivo Per Lei Dark Spot Corrector Serum, a highly concentrated formula that will soon have your skin looking even and balanced once again.

Myth 5: Drinking More Water Will Cure Dry Skin

Marine Ultimate All Skin Cream

People with dry skin often make an effort to drink more water in an attempt to overcome their dryness. However, while extra water consumption is great because of how it will help to keep your body hydrated, it’s not going to do much for your dry skin.

Why? Because dryness is caused by a lack of sebum, not by a lack of water (which would be dehydration). Instead, if you want to gain some control over your dryness, you need to compensate for the sebum that your skin isn’t producing. How? With a good moisturizer, just like the Vivo Per Lei Marine Ultimate All Skin Cream.

Myth 6: There’s No Benefit to Having Separate Day and Night Skincare Routines

Some people will tell you that there’s no need to have a different skincare routine for the mornings and evenings – just use the same products at both times of day! While you can certainly do this, there are some distinct benefits to having separate day and night routines.

The main one is that your skin has different needs in the mornings compared to the evenings. During the day, it needs to work on defending itself from environmental aggressors, and your skincare routine should, ideally, help with this. In the evenings, your skin goes into repair mode. The right evening routine, complete with a rich night cream, will leave it feeling capable of functioning to its full potential.

Myth 7: Acne Stops Once You’re an Adult

Collagen Foaming Cleanser

Confused about why you’re still experiencing breakouts even though you’re no longer a teenager? This is likely because you believed all of the skincare myths that promised that adulthood would see an end to your acne. Instead, adult acne is more common than you would imagine and your age alone will not put a stop to those spots.

When dealing with acne, you need a multi-step plan. First up, keep your skin clean with the Vivo Per Lei Collagen Foaming Cleanser. Exfoliation is important too, and you should also consider a spot treatment for your troubled areas. Don’t forget to also keep your skin consistently hydrated as dehydration can increase sebum production.

Myth 8: All Toners Dry Out the Skin

It’s easy to see how some skincare myths began, and this is one of them. Back in the day, most toners were designed to dry up excess oil on the skin. This has led to many believing that all toners have this astringent quality. 

Fortunately, this is no longer the case. The toners of today are designed for a wide range of issues. Sure, some will still dry your skin out but there are plenty of others out there that have been created to do the opposite. They’ll hydrate, restore, and replenish your complexion, leaving it fully prepped for the rest of your skincare routine. For best results, dab some toner onto your skin after cleansing, while your skin is still damp. Then, while your skin is still damp from the toner, follow up with the rest of your skincare routine. This will help to trap in the extra hydration provided by your toner.

Myth 9: Oils Should Be Avoided If You Have Oily Skin

If you have oily skin, the last thing you want to be doing is applying even more oil to your skin, right? 

In some cases, this is very true. Certain oils are known for how they clog up the pores. They’ll leave acne-prone skin even more susceptible to breakouts.

However, this isn’t the case with all oils. Certain oils can actually be very beneficial to oily skin. How? Because their composition is very similar to that of the skin’s own sebum. Applying these oils will trick your skin into thinking that it has already produced enough sebum. In the long run, this will help to slow down sebum production. Plus, those oils don’t block pores either, so you won’t have to worry about them contributing to breakouts.

Here are a few of the best oils to use on oily skin:

  • Jojoba oil
  • Hemp seed oil
  • Grape seed oil
  • Rose hip seed oil

Myth 10: Once You Find a Good Skincare Routine, Stick to it

It can sometimes take quite a few months before you finally manage to put together a stellar skincare routine that encompasses all of your skin’s needs without causing any problems for your complexion. So, once you’ve stumbled upon this holy grail, you need to stick with it at all costs, right?

Wrong. Sure, your skincare routine may be currently meeting your skin’s needs. However, it won’t be long before those needs change. When this happens, your skincare routine will need to change too.

In what way? Summer vs winter, for example. Summer skincare needs to be much lighter than winter skincare. Everything from aging to hormonal fluctuations to medication can alter your skin’s needs too. Be aware of any small changes so that you can quickly tailor your skincare routine as and when needed.

Debunking Skincare Myths With Vivo Per Lei

If you want to make sure that you’re giving your skin the very best care, your skincare knowledge needs to be up to scratch. There are so many skincare myths out there, making it important for you to be able to distinguish between right from wrong when it comes to beauty information. The myths that we’ve debunked above will put you on the right path – if you previously believed any of those misconceptions, you’ll now be able to turn things around and give your skin what it really needs.

Click here to browse more bestselling skincare products from Vivo Per Lei.

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